Custom Fields

Custom fields are the fields which are being displayed on form to allow collect users information when they access to the form to make payment

When you first install Payment Form, the extension following custom fields (which is called core fields) will be generated by default: First Name, Last Name, Organization, Address, Address2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, Amount, Email, Comment

To access to custom fields management page, there are 3 different ways:

  1. Access to Components => Payment Form => Custom Fields.
  2. Access to Payment Form Dashboard, then click on Custom Fields icon
  3. On any pages in Payment Form, access to Custom Fields link in the sidebard

Custom Fields Management

Since custom fields are being displayed on forms, you usually need to do the following tasks related to custom fields:

  1. Change title of the field. In this case, just edit the custom field, change the title to meet your need and save it.
  2. Show / Hide some of the existing custom fields on subscription form. In that case, just Publish / Unpublish the field you want.
  3. Make some fields become required / optional. If so, just edit the custom field, set Require property to Yes / No.
  4. Add new custom fields. In that case, just press New button in the toolbar to add new field.
  5. Change ordering of the custom fields. In that case, just drag & drop the field to the postion you want (same with Joomla core)